As we grow older, our skin gradually loses the collagen that helps to shape and support it. Natural lines and wrinkles deepen. Sun exposure, smoking, air pollution and even stress can all age your appearance.
What are hyaluronic acid
and calcium hydroxylapatite?
Hyaluronic acid is a type of sugar (polysaccharide) that is naturally occurring in body tissues, such as skin and cartilage. It is able to combine with water and swell causing a smoothing/filling effect. When we are born, we have huge stocks of hyaluronic acid in our bodies and thanks to that our skin is elastic and plump. As we age, its levels decrease meaning that our skin is less well supported and hydrated, allowing lines and wrinkles to develop. Injected hyaluronic acid is non-toxic and biocompatible and it does not interfere with natural body processes.
Expected results
The effect is instant and it lasts between 6-12 months.
As dermal filler is gradually reabsorbed, it stimulates the creation of collagen. Which means that even when its completely gone, the skin is considerably more hydrated and has more elasticity that before the treatment.
Post treatment recommendations
For two weeks after the treatment, the patient should avoid strong sun exposure as well as heat exposure (sauna).
Possible side effects
You may experience some slight swelling or bruising to the area being injected but it typically doesn’t last longer than 72 hours. In case of allergic reactions observed, please contact the doctor immediately.
- pregnancy and breastfeeding
- autoimmune disorders
- active infection near the site of injection
- a known allergy/hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid
- keloid-prone skin