Diamond Microdermabrasion

Diamond Microdermabrasion

We all want to look and feel our best. Over time, it is natural for our youthful appearance to fade. There is a new and innovative way to regain glowing skin using a unique facial treatment effective for nearly any skin type known as diamond microdermabrasion. It is simple and pain-free and can effectively reduce or eliminate wrinkles, acne, age spots, stretch marks, and more.

What is diamond microdermabrasion?

It is a procedure for deep cleansing of the skin. Dead skin cells are abraded and vacuumed off the face with a device that uses tips covered in tiny diamonds. The diamond tips, together with the strong suction, make it possible to cleanse the skin more thoroughly than with other procedures. With the flexibility of using different suction levels, it also increases blood flow to the skin, and that in turn, helps to produce collagen.

What are the indications for the treatment?

•  post-acne scars
•  oily, congested skin
•  enlarged pores
•  blackheads, whiteheads
•  blemishes
•  skin discolouration
•  sun damage
•  stretch marks
•  small wrinkles
•  cellulite
•  dry or hardened skin
•  as an introduction to other skin treatments like chemical peels

What are the contraindications to the treatment?

• rosacea
• viral, bacterial and fungal infections
• psoriasis
• keloid-prone skin
• skin tags and melanoma
• broken capillaries, thread veins
• autoimmune disorders

What are the benefits of diamond microdermabrasion?

• highly effective
• elimination of skin problems
• treatment is painless
• hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive skin 
• skin is rejuvenated
What are the post-treatment recommendations?

For a couple of days after treatment, the treated area will be more sensitive, therefore it is recommended not to take hot baths, use swimming pool, sauna or massage. Skin should be protected with a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every morning before going outdoors for the next 4 weeks to avoid sun induced brown discoloration of the skin. It is advised to drink increased amounts of mineral water (6-8glasses per day). One should avoid rubbing and scratching the skin.

How many sessions are required to achieve the desired effect?

Usually a series of 2-8 treatments is recommended (6 on average) at 1-2 week intervals. With every session, the effects of microdermabrasion are more visible. To maintain the achieved effect, it is advised to repeat the procedure every 4-6 weeks.

What are the possible side effects?

After the treatment, the treated area may be red for 1-3 hours and have a mild to moderate sunburned feeling that may persist in the treated areas for the next 2-3 days.

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